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Paediatric respiratory diseases

Paediatric respiratory diseases encompass a wide range of conditions affecting the respiratory system in children, from infancy to adolescence. Some common pediatric respiratory diseases include Asthma, Bronchiolitis, Allergic Rhinitis etc.

In Ayurveda, respiratory diseases in children are understood within the framework of doshas and their imbalance. Ayurvedic treatment for pediatric respiratory diseases focuses on restoring balance to the doshas, strengthening the respiratory system, and improving overall immunity.

Paediatric Skin Diseases

The Balachikitsa tradition in Kerala indeed encompasses a comprehensive approach to pediatric healthcare, including the diagnosis and treatment of various skin diseases (Karappan) that affect children. In Ayurveda, pediatric dermatology is a specialized branch that recognizes the unique characteristics of skin diseases in children and provides detailed descriptions and treatment protocols tailored to pediatric patients.

While skin diseases in adults are categorized into nine types (Navakarappan), Ayurvedic texts elaborate on a wider spectrum of skin conditions in children, totaling 51 types. These conditions are classified based on various factors including etiology, clinical presentation, and prognosis. Each type of skin disease in children may have distinct features, underlying causes, and management strategies.

Paediatric skin diseases include a wide range of conditions that affect the skin of infants, children, and adolescents. These conditions can vary in severity, from mild and self-limiting to chronic and potentially serious. Conditions like Atopic dermatitis, Diaper dermatitis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Ringworm (Tinea) etc. are treating effectively by Ayurvedic medication and treatments.

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine from India, doesn't have an exact equivalent term for ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) as defined in modern Western medicine. However, Ayurveda recognizes conditions related to attention, focus, and hyperactivity under different terms and conceptual frameworks.

Here are some Ayurvedic perspectives and approaches that we are following to address ADHD.

  • Imbalance of Doshas: Ayurveda views ADHD-like symptoms as arising from imbalances in the Vata dosha. Excess Vata can lead to restlessness, impulsivity, and difficulty focusing.
  • Prana Vayu: Prana Vayu is one of the five types of Vayu (wind) responsible for mental functions, including attention and focus. Ayurvedic treatments often focus on balancing Prana Vayu through specific dietary and lifestyle practices, as well as herbal remedies and therapies like Pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation.
  • Sattvic Diet: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of diet in maintaining overall health, including mental well-being. A Sattvic diet, which is fresh, organic, and balanced, is believed to promote mental clarity and calmness, which may help in managing ADHD-like symptoms.
  • Nasya Therapy: Nasya is an Ayurvedic therapy involving the administration of medicated oils or herbal preparations through the nasal passages.
  • Herbal Remedies: Ayurveda offers a range of herbal remedies to support mental health and cognitive function. These may include herbs like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), and Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi).


Autism is one of the main concern of pediatrics in the present era. This neurodevelopmental disorder of unknown etiology begins in early childhood. The main characteristic features of Childhood Autism are impairment in communication skills, social interactions and reciprocity, and imagination and play.

Manovaha Sroto-Dushti together with Tridosha Dusti is the basic cause of Childhood Autism. Due to etiology of vitiation Dhee, Dhriti and Smriti that causes imbalance of Kala and Karma which results into improper contact of the senses with their objectives (Asatmendriyartha Samyoga) and give rise to inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. A systematic Ayurvedic treatment consisting primarily of Vata-Pittahara Chikitsa along with Deepana-Pachana, Snehana-Swedana, Sroto-Sodhana, Brumhana and Medhya Rasayana and Pathya Karma should be considerable relief of the condition.